Children’s musical cover design included my original character illustrations.
Original character illustrations for Star Stomp musical.
Original musical cover artwork and designs.
Promotional brochure for the Word Choral Club.
Editorial art direction, design and page layout for 20-page trade publication for Glass Doctor™
Direct mail piece for the choral release of “How Great Is Our God.”
Created the “Black and White, A Private Affair” concept and designed the invitation layout to be sold to furniture companies for private sales.
Oil Painting
“Reverie” (1994)
4 foot square painting collage. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE MORE ARTWORK AT END OF PORTFOLIO…
24-page brochure design for the WordKidz Choral Club. Created artwork for the cover.
Informational direct
mail postcard for
Real Estate Marketing Research Center.
Annual real estate summit invitation from benefactor Gary Keller.
Social Media
Campaign and
e-blast ads.
Digital illustration for kid’s musical backdrop – finished size 6 ft x 15 ft.
MORE children’s musical backdrops.
Hand illustrated and then converted into digital files. Panels are 3 ft x 6 ft each, and outside panels can be swapped and repeated for larger stages.
Full page ad for new Spring choral releases.
Logo design for
computer technologies
Kids Choral Club
Pitch brochure for selling products through major retailers, i.e. Wal-mart.
Logo Design and Bible Study Sheets with
original pencil
More Songs for
Praise & Worship 5
Created Photoshop illustration of film clips and created the direct mail piece for the launching of a new division of Word Entertainment.
Ad for opening new dentistry office with calming atmosphere.
Designer artist
clothing line logo.
Created logos & t-shirts for the School of Computer Science video game club and the Club Level game club programming team.
Ministry Lifeteam Tshirt
Created the “Welcome Home” concept and designed the brochure layout to be sold to furniture companies for private sales.
Created the “A Reflection of You” concept
and designed the letter/envelope layout,
to be sold to furniture companies for private sales.
Logo and tagline for pediatric therapy clinic.
Sponsorship ads for basketball league banner and Christmas Bizarre.
First of a series of ads from a campaign that I created for this pediatric therapy clinic.
Ad for clinic featuring
new zip line.
Series of ads from a campaign that I created for this pediatric therapy clinic plus brochure.
Created concept for 1st grade class project for the school’s auction. Coordinated students in assembling letters, photographed letters
and produced poster.
Designed gala logo,
postcard and gala
program guide.
Illustrated and designed
salsa label that was sold to raise money for a mission trip to Mexico. Created ad concept and designed flyers.
Designed Angel Kisses for Anya Team t-shirt & logo.
Created poster “Then & Now” of Anya
1st birthday party “seed packet” invitation; a garden party theme for my premie daughter.
Created ad campaign for new slogan “store to store, shift to shift, chef to chef.”
Created concept and advertorial layout for new “old world” feel of company.
“Just Add Water”
book cover and
interior page design.
Flyer announcing new MRI equipment.
Logo Design for online technology and employee continuing education.
CD package for new contemporary Christian artists.
Brochure design for supper club.
Created original rose artwork, stationery product and point of sale pieces for female target 25 – 40 years.
New building
campaign brochure.
Core value icons.
To coincide with new logo, created identity pieces, slogan design, brochure, billboard and visitor information cards.
Poster brochure for massage therapist.
Brochure for this area-wide day of community service.
Flyers and poster for church events.
Logo, letterhead, business card, and envelope design for
non-profit Christian organization.
Flyer “one-sheet” for attracting events to host christian motivational speaker.
Advertorial for new releases at MusiCalifornia 2004 event.
Direct mail piece to invite ministers to Keyboard Conference.
Christian artist ad and
in-store display easel.
Logo Design
New choral release ad.
Youth collections brochure.
Flyer for 3 Youth choral releases.
Direct mail piece invitation for a Kathie Hill conference for the musical “Fish Tales.”
Direct mail piece to announce WorshipMedia seminar and film festival.
32-page catalog for
new and past Brooklyn Tabernacle projects and releases.
12-page catalog for new and past Mike Speck musical releases.
“Times Square” ad with Word Music releases.
40th birthday invitation for a History professor.
Logo and brochure design for new retail membership rewards program.
Logo and 2-sided business card.
Logo design for biannual kids’ consignment resale.
Logo design for non-profit clothing store.
Logo, letterhead and business card design for an importer, processor and full line distributor of spices and manufacturing ingredients used in the food industry.
Logo design for school’s Back to School Party.
Series of posters for school’s Back to School Party.
“Watchin’ the Storm”
Editorial photograph.
Photographed “letters” on Baylor University campus to spell names.
Congrats on Olivia’s graduation in 2012
from Texas A&M University. Square
pics spell ‘OLIVIA”
with campus sites.
inside says ‘Whoop!’